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Family Secrets...Hidden in the Shadows of Time

Reviews  on Amazon

5.0 out of 5 stars Great read!


Romantic love... a mother's love... what a heart-wrenching story. Virginia's character development and historical accuracy make for an excellent read.
Along with the idea of our ancestors facing unknown adventures in their pursuits for a better life, Virginia has added an intriguing and unexpected twist to their dilemma. Highly recommended.


5.0 out of 5 stars Interesting story that keeps the reader interested until the end.


Virginia Rafferty is a genuine literary talent, especially as a new author. She researched this book content extensively and was able to weave a complex true life story into a fascinating novel with definitely a surprise ending. It truly depicts the hardships of life during the 1800 and the struggle of so many to find a new, better life in America. Her comments in "Author's Notes" at the end pulls the story together and shows its' relevance to her own genealogy. A great read!!


Sometimes I actually felt like I was living the journey with them


The characters and settings came alive for me. Sometimes I actually felt like I was living the journey with them. It seemed so real, the happiness, sadness, the hope, the despair and yet the reality that we could live and work through anything if we just continued to stay strong. It also showed the extent of human emotions from selfishness to helping others and how wonderful friends and family can be. Great read.


 "Oh what a tangled web we weave..."


This quote is never more true than in this debut novel by Virginia Rafferty. The novel offers strong characters, great details, and a story created from the web of deception she discovered in her own ancestry. Readers of historical fiction and those who love a romance with unpredictable twists will find themselves engrossed in Family Secrets....Hidden in the Shadows of Time.


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